The Mission

Sister RoseThe In Memory of Sister Rose Thering Foundation is a Wisconsin-based organization created in the memory of Sister Rose Thering, a Dominican Nun, who devoted her professional life to enhancing the relationship between Roman Catholics and Jews. Originally triggered by what she perceived as an anti-Semitic theme in Roman Catholic textbooks, her views reached the highest levels of the Roman Catholic hierarchy. It was instrumental in the seminal declaration of Nostra Aetate issued by the council known as Vatican II in 1965 whose purpose was in part to heal the historic breach between the Church and Judaism.

To perpetuate both the memory of Sister Rose, a native of Plain, Wisconsin, and to further her effort at creating a bridge between the two religions, this Foundation invites speakers to address the Madison community on issues that bear on inter-religious relations. The major focus of these presentations, of course, is the linkage between Roman Catholicism and Judaism.

The effectiveness of the Foundation is made possible by the contributions of numerous persons who both share the commitment to inter-faith understanding and who revere the pioneering work done by Sister Rose.